Notice of Public Hearing to discuss amending Pinedale codes



Per § 475-303 Hearing before Planning and Zoning Commission; notice.

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 5 p.m. in the conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall, 205 Entertainment Ln., Pinedale, WY 82941.

The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss amendments to the following Town codes:

§475-149.11 Definitions.

§475-149.13 Development standards for motorcoach resort developments.

§475-149.16 Site Standards

§475-149.19 Location and Setbacks

Published in the Pinedale Roundup December 4, 2023 and December 7, 2023.