04-04-2024 Pinedale Roundup Legals






Sealed BIDS are requested for work described in the Project Manual for the 2024 Sublette County Delineator Project, dated March 21, 2024, prepared by Rio Verde Engineering, 804 Hoback Street, P.O. Box 642, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941, 307-367-2826.

BIDS will be received by Rio Verde Engineering until 2:30 pm local time on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, at which time said BIDS will be opened and read aloud.

The work consists of removing and replacing 76 damaged steel delineators, removing 174 fiberglass delineators and replacing with steel delineators and installing 274 new delineators across 6 county roads. 

CONTRACTORS shall be required to accompany each bid with a BID Bond with sufficient surety, or a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft upon some reputable bank payable to Sublette County for at least ten (10) percent of the total amount of the BID.  The bond, check or bank draft shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, if the CONTRACTOR, upon the letting of the contract to him, fails to enter into the contract within ten (10) days after it is presented to him for that purpose or fails to proceed with the performance of the contract.  The BID Bond, draft or check shall be retained by Sublette County until proper bond to secure performance of the contract has been filed and approved.  All the above is to be in accordance with 15-1-113 and 16-6-101 to 121, Wyoming Statutes, 2024.

The right is reserved by Sublette County to reject any and all BIDS, and to waive any irregularity or informality in the BID process.  BIDS may not be withdrawn for thirty days after the date of opening.


Dated this 18th day of March, 2024

Notice #9636 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 21, 28, April 4, 2024





Sealed BIDS are requested for work described in the Project Manual for the 2024 Sublette County Dust Suppression Project, dated March 21, 2024, prepared by Rio Verde Engineering, 804 Hoback Street, P.O. Box 642, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941, 307-367-2826.

BIDS will be received by Rio Verde Engineering until 3 pm local time on Thursday, April 2, 2024, at which time said BIDS will be opened and read aloud.

The work consists of delivering 1,400 Tons of magnesium chloride solution to the Sublette County Richardson Pit throughout the summer of 2024. 

CONTRACTORS shall be required to accompany each bid with a BID Bond with sufficient surety, or a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft upon some reputable bank payable to Sublette County for at least ten (10) percent of the total amount of the BID.  The bond, check or bank draft shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, if the CONTRACTOR, upon the letting of the contract to him, fails to enter into the contract within ten (10) days after it is presented to him for that purpose or fails to proceed with the performance of the contract.  The BID Bond, draft or check shall be retained by Sublette County until proper bond to secure performance of the contract has been filed and approved.  All the above is to be in accordance with 15-1-113 and 16-6-101 to 121, Wyoming Statutes, 2024.

The right is reserved by Sublette County to reject any and all BIDS, and to waive any irregularity or informality in the BID process.  BIDS may not be withdrawn for thirty days after the date of opening.


Dated this 18th day of March, 2024

Notice #9637 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 21, 28, April 4, 2024





Sealed BIDS are requested for work described in the Project Manual for the 2024 Sublette County Centerline Striping Project, dated March 21, 2024, prepared by Rio Verde Engineering, 804 Hoback Street, P.O. Box 642, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941, 307-367-2826.

BIDS will be received by Rio Verde Engineering until 2 pm local time on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, at which time said BIDS will be opened and read aloud.

The work consists of painting the centerline on the Forty Rod CR 23-149 and the Fayette Pole Creek CR 23-121.  Total length of centerline striping is approximately 8.91 miles.

CONTRACTORS shall be required to accompany each bid with a BID Bond with sufficient surety, or a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft upon some reputable bank payable to Sublette County for at least ten (10) percent of the total amount of the BID.  The bond, check or bank draft shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, if the CONTRACTOR, upon the letting of the contract to him, fails to enter into the contract within ten (10) days after it is presented to him for that purpose or fails to proceed with the performance of the contract.  The BID Bond, draft or check shall be retained by Sublette County until proper bond to secure performance of the contract has been filed and approved.  All the above is to be in accordance with 15-1-113 and 16-6-101 to 121, Wyoming Statutes, 2024.

The right is reserved by Sublette County to reject any and all BIDS, and to waive any irregularity or informality in the BID process.  BIDS may not be withdrawn for thirty days after the date of opening.


Dated this 18th day of March, 2024

Notice #9638 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 21, 28, April 4, 2024


Rendezvous Pointe is accepting applications for two new board members. Board members serve up to four years. Applications can be picked up at Rendezvous Pointe and are due April 22nd. Questions? Please call, Rendezvous Pointe –  307 367-2881.

Notice #9640 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 28, April 4, 2024



Reconstruct S GA Apron


State Project No. APNA031


Sealed Bids for the construction of the Ralph Wenz Field – Reconstruct S GA Apron Project, will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk, 205 Entertainment Lane, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941, until 2 p.m. local time on April 18, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.   

The project will include the construction of the Reconstruct S GA Apron Project which includes earthwork, grading, P-209 base course, P-401 asphalt, striping, and concrete work. Bids will be evaluated for each Bid Package and awarded to the lowest responsive bidder.

No bids will be received after the specified hour and date and may not be withdrawn after the time fixed for opening them. The owner reserves the right to waive irregularities in the bids and reject any and all bids. No bids will be considered in which the Proposal, Specifications or any provisions have been modified.

Bids will be received for one prime Contract. Bids shall be on a unit price basis, as indicated in the Bid Form. The bidder must supply all information required by the bid or proposal forms and specifications.

Each bid must be accompanied either by a certified check, payable to the Town of Pinedale in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, or by a Bid Bond in a like amount and executed by an approved surety company.  The check or bond will be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages if the successful bidder refuses or fails to enter into contract and performance bond in accord with his bid within fifteen (15) days after date of notification of award.

Minimum wage rates as established by the Secretary of Labor are applicable to the work performed on this project.

Prospective Bidders must download contract documents through Quest Construction Data Network. This can be done via a link at www.QuestCDN.com, reference Quest Number 9039707. QuestCDN is a web-based platform for construction, requests and Goods and Services advertisements, bid document distribution, plan holder lists and all information pertaining to the bid. Prospective bidders should register at www.QuestCDN.com for a free ‘Regular’ membership and must do so to be considered a planholder. Enter the Quest Number 8825232 to access the bidding information on the search page. There is a $22 nonrefundable download delivery fee for the bidding documents. Bids will not be accepted from any prospective bidder who has not purchased contract documents through QuestCDN. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or Support@questcdn.com for assistance in membership registration and downloading digital bidding documents.

Bids may not be withdrawn after the time fixed for submitting them.  The Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities in the bids and reject any and all bids.

The Bidder is advised that construction site aviation safety is of paramount importance. There is a Construction Safety and Phasing Plan that is part of the project requirements and the Contractor will need to conduct his/her operations in strict accordance with this plan. There are penalty provisions outlined in the Construction Safety Phasing Plan for noncompliance by the Contractor’s personnel. All costs associated with the Contractor’s compliance with this operational plan will be considered incidental to and included in the prices bid for the actual work items of the bid schedule.

The Town of Pinedale, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

The Bidder is hereby notified that this project is subject to FAA Federal Contract Provisions, including, but not limited to: Buy American Preference, Foreign Trade Restriction, Davis Bacon, Affirmative Action, Government-wide Debarment and Suspension, and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace.

Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10 a.m. on April 9, 2024, at the airport with a site inspection. The location of the meeting will be in the conference room in the TOP Flight building. Attendance is not mandatory; however it is highly encouraged.

Owner: Town of Pinedale

By: Abram Pearce

Title: Director of Public Works

Notice #9644 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 28, April 4, 11, 2024


Sublette County Weed & Pest will hold their monthly board meeting on Thursday, April 11th, 2024 at 12:00 noon located in the Weed & Pest Building at 12 South Bench Road, Pinedale.

Notice #9646 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024


The Pinedale Aquatic Center JOINT-POWERS BOARD will meet  Tuesday, April 9th, 2024  at 6:00 pm in the Classroom of the Pinedale Aquatic Center, 535 N. Tyler Ave. Pinedale, Wyoming, 307-367-2832, www.pinedaleaquatic.com.

Notice #9647 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Mustang Resources LLC (CMP100200) to modify and operate the Blue Rim State 2 (F015946) by replacing one pneumatic heat trace pump with a solar-powered heat trace pump, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the condensate tanks and dehydration unit, located in the NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 16, T30N, R108W, approximately twelve (12) miles south of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  Mustang Resources LLC has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 0.4 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have not changed from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to Mustang Resources LLC’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at https://openair.wyo.gov, utilizing facility ID F015946 and permit number P0037473 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0016033 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (http://aq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com).  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 6, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov. Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9648 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024

Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Cabrito 72-29 Central Facility (F025157) with the addition of production and equipment associated with two wells, the Antelope 85-29H and 91-29H, with one reboiler overheads condenser, one TEG flash tank separator and one common smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration unit, condensate tanks, active produced water tanks and pneumatic pumps, located in the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 29, T29N, R107W, approximately fifteen (15) miles south-southwest of Big Sandy, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  Jonah Energy LLC has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 9.2 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 4.7 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to Jonah Energy LLC’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at https://openair.wyo.gov, utilizing facility ID F025157 and permit number P0037523 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0016094 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (http://aq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com).  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, May 6, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov. Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9649 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024


Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of February, 2024, WPR Acquisition, LLC, dba White Pine Resort, filed an application for the transfer of a retail liquor license, in the Office of the County Clerk, for the following location at 692 Forest Service road 134 in Sublette County, and protests, if any there be, against the issuance of the license will be heard at the hour of 10:00 a.m., on the 16th day of April, 2024, in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse, Pinedale, Wyoming.

Dated this 22nd day of February 2024.

/s/ Carrie S. Long,

Sublette County Clerk

Notice #9651 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 11, 2024


The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) has received a request from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for State certification of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit #27, for the discharge of dredged or fill material to the Green River near Pinedale, Wyoming. The purpose of the project is to stabilize excessive eroding banks and improve aquatic habitat to stable reference conditions along a 700-foot segment of the Green River. This segment of the Green River is designated a Class 1 water where point source discharges are prohibited except for storm water and construction related discharges. This certification will require meeting the provisions in Chapter 1, Section 7(b) of the WDEQ Water Quality Rules and Regulations, which allows these discharges under certain circumstances. Proposed activities include the construction of a bankfull bench and installation of one boulder rock vane to maintain grade and reduce stream energy along eroding banks. To do this, approximately 880 cubic yards (CY) of alluvial material will be excavated followed by placement of 800 CY of redistributed alluvial material and imported boulder. The project is expected to create an additional 0.12 acre of wetland.

Requests for information about the proposed water quality certification should be directed to Eric Hargett by email (eric.hargett@wyo.gov) or phone (307-777-6701). Written comments must be addressed to Eric Hargett, Wyoming DEQ/WQD, 200 W. 17th Street – 4TH floor, Cheyenne, WY, 82002, and be postmarked on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2024, to be considered. Electronic comments may only be submitted through and accepted by the Wyoming DEQ comment portal provided at http://wq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com/. Phone comments will not be accepted.

Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov. Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities. Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9652 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024


MAKE: Ford

MODEL: Bronco

YEAR: 1985


PRICE: $500.00

LOCATION: 19 Hawk Path, Boulder 82923

DATE/TIME of SALE: 4-12-24 Noon

Notice #9653 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 11, 2024




The Town Council of the Town of Pinedale met in regular session on Monday, March 11, 2024, in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Murdock at 5 p.m. Council members present:  Tyler Swafford, Dean Loftus, Judi Boyce and Scott Kosiba.  Those in attendance included: Maureen Hutchinson, Sonya Tucker, Susan Kramer and Ralph Klein, representing the American Red Cross; Chauncey Goodrich, representing Wind River Resorts; Max Lockett; Ed Wood, Town Attorney; Abram Pearce, Director of Public Works; and Chad Mitchell, Planning & Zoning Administrator. Attending online were Tesa Manning and Allison Bolgiano.

Mayor Murdock led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to accept the agenda as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the February 26, 2024, regular Town Council meeting minutes as published.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-0-1; Councilman Loftus abstained.

Councilwoman Boyce reported on North Fremont Avenue frost heaves.

Maureen Hutchinson presented March as American Red Cross month.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve March as American Red Cross month.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve the consent agenda items as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.  Consent agenda items approved were the Lions Club park and temporary use permit applications for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Boyd Skinner Park on Saturday, March 30, 2024, and waive the fees; renewal of the microbiology laboratory Errors & Omissions insurance from the Chesterfield Group through Tegeler Insurance, in the amount of $3,549.22; nomination of Matt Murdock as WAM voting delegate; engagement of Summit West CPA Group, P.C. to perform an audit for fiscal year 2024, not to exceed $38,500; purchase of Type 1 deice fluid from AvFuel Corporation, in the amount of $4,148.10; the lease of 58 Runway Lane to Riley and Bailey Wilson, effective April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, in the amount of $1,300 per month; the tabulation of owners with storage rights from Fremont Lake Reservoir conveyed by the Colorado Ditch, by Rio Verde Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $3,000; and residential building permit application Mark & Teri Helm for the Triangle Addition, Amended Block 5, Lot 17, on South Skyline Street, adhering to the engineering review and design for slope stability conducted by Jorgensen Associates.

Mayor Murdock shared an update from the Wyoming Field Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding a local public housing authority; federal appropriations for HUD’s Office of Public Housing have not seen an increase since the original formation in the 1980’s. Funding for the past few decades that has been provided by Congress, and only allows for the continuation of current PHA’s.  There is no funding available to establish new ones. If the Town of Pinedale were to establish a PHA, it would need to be self-sufficient and locally operated.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Ordinance 707, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIII of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Annexation, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 708, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIV of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Water Rights, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 709, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.11 Definitions, to add a definition of Motorcoach Resort amending the last line to 'may only be used when an occupied Class A or Super C Motorcoach is present on the individually owned lot.'  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 710, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add M, defining permitted accessory uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 9. Refrigerators to Appliances; 11. Sink Counter to Outdoor Kitchens; and adding 12. Similar type of listed uses as determined by the Town Council after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-1; Mayor Murdock, opposed.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 711, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add N, defining   prohibited uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 1. Fuel Storage or Fuel Pumps to Permanent or temporary fuel storage exceeding 100 gallons.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 712, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.16 C to correct the numerical reference from 475-149.19 to 475-149.18.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba, to approve Ordinance 713, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.19 A to limit the location of units on recreational vehicle lots and spaces.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve Ordinance 714, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending section 440-21 of Chapter 440 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Vehicles and Traffic.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Resolution 2024-06, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Shallow Water Main Sewer Replacement Project.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Resolution 2024-07, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Pinedale Wastewater Treatment Facility Rehabilitation Phase 1 and Phase 2 Engineering Project.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

The following bills were presented for payment: Display Sales, $-7,965.25-V; A to Z Hardware, $171.68; Aktivov LLC, $2,160.00; All American Fuel Company, Inc, $7,935.57; Ardurra Group, $12,991.57; AvFuel Corporation, $31,076.70; Blue Steel Industrial, $3,000.00; Bomgaars Supply, $504.00; Caselle, Inc., $2,040.00; Clean Wash Laundromat, $4,279.32; Core & Main, $927.32; Cummins Sales And Service, $11,136.01; D. A. Screening, $65.00; Display Sales, $7,965.25; Flow Right Plumbing & Heating, $4,961.26; Jorgensen Associates PC, $24,188.38; Kainer, Clayton, $636.00; KPIN, $584.00; Lumacurve Airfield Signs, $2,816.71; M & M Disposal, $371.00; Madden Media, $17,990.68; MHL Systems, $1,590.40; Moosely Mailboxes & More, $219.00; Nelson Engineering, $13,473.75; Northwest Scientific, Inc., $684.33; Office Outlet, $39.41;

One-Call of Wyoming, $2.25; Overdorff, Brandon & Jacqueline, $1,000.00; Performance Overhead Door Inc, $6,045.40; Phenova, Inc., $1,026.55; Pinedale Auto Supply, $1,083.58; Pinedale Computer, $90.00; Pinedale Natural Gas, Inc., $6,964.47; Pinedale Roundup, $721.57; Rebel Auto Parts, $52.92; Ridley's Family Market, $90.98; Rio Verde Engineering, Inc., $6,033.30; River Oaks Communications Corp, $1,882.00; RMT Equipment, $881.27; Rocky Mountain Power, $8,069.17; Rocky Mountain Wash, $59.50; Sani-Star, $150.00; Shadow Mountain Water Of Wy Inc, $15.00; State Fire Sales & Service, $270.00; Sturman, Amy, $206.50; Sublette Communications, $10.00; Sublette County Hospital District, $150.00; Sweetwater Technology Services, $13,356.76; Tegeler & Associates, Inc., $3,549.22; Town Of Pinedale Water/Sewer, $777.87; Turf Equipment & Irrigation, $115.14; U.S. Postal Service, $302.00; Union Telephone Company, Inc., $238.41; USA Bluebook, $285.26; Visa, $3,087.41; Wind River Fab, $712.50; Wood Law Office, $6,093.75; Wyoming Machinery Company, $612.83; Xylem Water Solutions USA Inc, $2,027.00; Yost, $1,488.00.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the bills for March 11, 2024, in the amount of $211,292.70 paid with checks 30280 – 30338. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to enter Executive Session to discuss Real Estate at 6:14 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to exit Executive Session at 6:48 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to re-enter regular session at 6:49 p.m.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.


Matt W. Murdock, Mayor

Amy Sturman, Clerk-Treasurer

Notice #9654 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024




The Town Council of the Town of Pinedale met in regular session on Monday, March 11, 2024, in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Murdock at 5 p.m. Council members present:  Tyler Swafford, Dean Loftus, Judi Boyce and Scott Kosiba.  Those in attendance included: Maureen Hutchinson, Sonya Tucker, Susan Kramer and Ralph Klein, representing the American Red Cross; Chauncey Goodrich, representing Wind River Resorts; Max Lockett; Ed Wood, Town Attorney; Abram Pearce, Director of Public Works; and Chad Mitchell, Planning & Zoning Administrator. Attending online were Tesa Manning and Allison Bolgiano.

Mayor Murdock led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to accept the agenda as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the February 26, 2024, regular Town Council meeting minutes as published.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-0-1; Councilman Loftus abstained.

Councilwoman Boyce reported on North Fremont Avenue frost heaves.

Maureen Hutchinson presented March as American Red Cross month.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve March as American Red Cross month.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve the consent agenda items as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.  Consent agenda items approved were the Lions Club park and temporary use permit applications for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Boyd Skinner Park on Saturday, March 30, 2024, and waive the fees; renewal of the microbiology laboratory Errors & Omissions insurance from the Chesterfield Group through Tegeler Insurance, in the amount of $3,549.22; nomination of Matt Murdock as WAM voting delegate; engagement of Summit West CPA Group, P.C. to perform an audit for fiscal year 2024, not to exceed $38,500; purchase of Type 1 deice fluid from AvFuel Corporation, in the amount of $4,148.10; the lease of 58 Runway Lane to Riley and Bailey Wilson, effective April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, in the amount of $1,300 per month; the tabulation of owners with storage rights from Fremont Lake Reservoir conveyed by the Colorado Ditch, by Rio Verde Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $3,000; and residential building permit application Mark & Teri Helm for the Triangle Addition, Amended Block 5, Lot 17, on South Skyline Street, adhering to the engineering review and design for slope stability conducted by Jorgensen Associates.

Mayor Murdock shared an update from the Wyoming Field Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding a local public housing authority; federal appropriations for HUD’s Office of Public Housing have not seen an increase since the original formation in the 1980’s. Funding for the past few decades that has been provided by Congress, and only allows for the continuation of current PHA’s.  There is no funding available to establish new ones. If the Town of Pinedale were to establish a PHA, it would need to be self-sufficient and locally operated.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Ordinance 707, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIII of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Annexation, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 708, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIV of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Water Rights, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 709, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.11 Definitions, to add a definition of Motorcoach Resort amending the last line to 'may only be used when an occupied Class A or Super C Motorcoach is present on the individually owned lot.'  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 710, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add M, defining permitted accessory uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 9. Refrigerators to Appliances; 11. Sink Counter to Outdoor Kitchens; and adding 12. Similar type of listed uses as determined by the Town Council after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-1; Mayor Murdock, opposed.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 711, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add N, defining   prohibited uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 1. Fuel Storage or Fuel Pumps to Permanent or temporary fuel storage exceeding 100 gallons.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 712, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.16 C to correct the numerical reference from 475-149.19 to 475-149.18.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba, to approve Ordinance 713, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.19 A to limit the location of units on recreational vehicle lots and spaces.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve Ordinance 714, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending section 440-21 of Chapter 440 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Vehicles and Traffic.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Resolution 2024-06, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Shallow Water Main Sewer Replacement Project.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Resolution 2024-07, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Pinedale Wastewater Treatment Facility Rehabilitation Phase 1 and Phase 2 Engineering Project.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

The following bills were presented for payment: Display Sales, $-7,965.25-V; A to Z Hardware, $171.68; Aktivov LLC, $2,160.00; All American Fuel Company, Inc, $7,935.57; Ardurra Group, $12,991.57; AvFuel Corporation, $31,076.70; Blue Steel Industrial, $3,000.00; Bomgaars Supply, $504.00; Caselle, Inc., $2,040.00; Clean Wash Laundromat, $4,279.32; Core & Main, $927.32; Cummins Sales And Service, $11,136.01; D. A. Screening, $65.00; Display Sales, $7,965.25; Flow Right Plumbing & Heating, $4,961.26; Jorgensen Associates PC, $24,188.38; Kainer, Clayton, $636.00; KPIN, $584.00; Lumacurve Airfield Signs, $2,816.71; M & M Disposal, $371.00; Madden Media, $17,990.68; MHL Systems, $1,590.40; Moosely Mailboxes & More, $219.00; Nelson Engineering, $13,473.75; Northwest Scientific, Inc., $684.33; Office Outlet, $39.41;

One-Call of Wyoming, $2.25; Overdorff, Brandon & Jacqueline, $1,000.00; Performance Overhead Door Inc, $6,045.40; Phenova, Inc., $1,026.55; Pinedale Auto Supply, $1,083.58; Pinedale Computer, $90.00; Pinedale Natural Gas, Inc., $6,964.47; Pinedale Roundup, $721.57; Rebel Auto Parts, $52.92; Ridley's Family Market, $90.98; Rio Verde Engineering, Inc., $6,033.30; River Oaks Communications Corp, $1,882.00; RMT Equipment, $881.27; Rocky Mountain Power, $8,069.17; Rocky Mountain Wash, $59.50; Sani-Star, $150.00; Shadow Mountain Water Of Wy Inc, $15.00; State Fire Sales & Service, $270.00; Sturman, Amy, $206.50; Sublette Communications, $10.00; Sublette County Hospital District, $150.00; Sweetwater Technology Services, $13,356.76; Tegeler & Associates, Inc., $3,549.22; Town Of Pinedale Water/Sewer, $777.87; Turf Equipment & Irrigation, $115.14; U.S. Postal Service, $302.00; Union Telephone Company, Inc., $238.41; USA Bluebook, $285.26; Visa, $3,087.41; Wind River Fab, $712.50; Wood Law Office, $6,093.75; Wyoming Machinery Company, $612.83; Xylem Water Solutions USA Inc, $2,027.00; Yost, $1,488.00.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the bills for March 11, 2024, in the amount of $211,292.70 paid with checks 30280 – 30338. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to enter Executive Session to discuss Real Estate at 6:14 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to exit Executive Session at 6:48 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to re-enter regular session at 6:49 p.m.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.


Matt W. Murdock, Mayor

Amy Sturman, Clerk-Treasurer

Notice #9654 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024




The Town Council of the Town of Pinedale met in regular session on Monday, March 11, 2024, in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Murdock at 5 p.m. Council members present:  Tyler Swafford, Dean Loftus, Judi Boyce and Scott Kosiba.  Those in attendance included: Maureen Hutchinson, Sonya Tucker, Susan Kramer and Ralph Klein, representing the American Red Cross; Chauncey Goodrich, representing Wind River Resorts; Max Lockett; Ed Wood, Town Attorney; Abram Pearce, Director of Public Works; and Chad Mitchell, Planning & Zoning Administrator. Attending online were Tesa Manning and Allison Bolgiano.

Mayor Murdock led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to accept the agenda as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the February 26, 2024, regular Town Council meeting minutes as published.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-0-1; Councilman Loftus abstained.

Councilwoman Boyce reported on North Fremont Avenue frost heaves.

Maureen Hutchinson presented March as American Red Cross month.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve March as American Red Cross month.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve the consent agenda items as published.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.  Consent agenda items approved were the Lions Club park and temporary use permit applications for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Boyd Skinner Park on Saturday, March 30, 2024, and waive the fees; renewal of the microbiology laboratory Errors & Omissions insurance from the Chesterfield Group through Tegeler Insurance, in the amount of $3,549.22; nomination of Matt Murdock as WAM voting delegate; engagement of Summit West CPA Group, P.C. to perform an audit for fiscal year 2024, not to exceed $38,500; purchase of Type 1 deice fluid from AvFuel Corporation, in the amount of $4,148.10; the lease of 58 Runway Lane to Riley and Bailey Wilson, effective April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025, in the amount of $1,300 per month; the tabulation of owners with storage rights from Fremont Lake Reservoir conveyed by the Colorado Ditch, by Rio Verde Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $3,000; and residential building permit application Mark & Teri Helm for the Triangle Addition, Amended Block 5, Lot 17, on South Skyline Street, adhering to the engineering review and design for slope stability conducted by Jorgensen Associates.

Mayor Murdock shared an update from the Wyoming Field Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding a local public housing authority; federal appropriations for HUD’s Office of Public Housing have not seen an increase since the original formation in the 1980’s. Funding for the past few decades that has been provided by Congress, and only allows for the continuation of current PHA’s.  There is no funding available to establish new ones. If the Town of Pinedale were to establish a PHA, it would need to be self-sufficient and locally operated.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Ordinance 707, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIII of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Annexation, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 708, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Article XIV of Chapter 400 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Water Rights, in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 709, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.11 Definitions, to add a definition of Motorcoach Resort amending the last line to 'may only be used when an occupied Class A or Super C Motorcoach is present on the individually owned lot.'  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 710, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add M, defining permitted accessory uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 9. Refrigerators to Appliances; 11. Sink Counter to Outdoor Kitchens; and adding 12. Similar type of listed uses as determined by the Town Council after review by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 4-1; Mayor Murdock, opposed.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 711, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.13 to add N, defining   prohibited uses to motorcoach resort development sites; amending 1. Fuel Storage or Fuel Pumps to Permanent or temporary fuel storage exceeding 100 gallons.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 712, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.16 C to correct the numerical reference from 475-149.19 to 475-149.18.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba, to approve Ordinance 713, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending subsection 475-149.19 A to limit the location of units on recreational vehicle lots and spaces.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve Ordinance 714, on first read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending section 440-21 of Chapter 440 of the Pinedale Municipal Code titled Vehicles and Traffic.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Resolution 2024-06, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Shallow Water Main Sewer Replacement Project.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve Resolution 2024-07, a Resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the State Loan and Investment Board for a loan through the State Revolving Fund on behalf of the governing body for the Town of Pinedale for the purpose of funding the Pinedale Wastewater Treatment Facility Rehabilitation Phase 1 and Phase 2 Engineering Project.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

The following bills were presented for payment: Display Sales, $-7,965.25-V; A to Z Hardware, $171.68; Aktivov LLC, $2,160.00; All American Fuel Company, Inc, $7,935.57; Ardurra Group, $12,991.57; AvFuel Corporation, $31,076.70; Blue Steel Industrial, $3,000.00; Bomgaars Supply, $504.00; Caselle, Inc., $2,040.00; Clean Wash Laundromat, $4,279.32; Core & Main, $927.32; Cummins Sales And Service, $11,136.01; D. A. Screening, $65.00; Display Sales, $7,965.25; Flow Right Plumbing & Heating, $4,961.26; Jorgensen Associates PC, $24,188.38; Kainer, Clayton, $636.00; KPIN, $584.00; Lumacurve Airfield Signs, $2,816.71; M & M Disposal, $371.00; Madden Media, $17,990.68; MHL Systems, $1,590.40; Moosely Mailboxes & More, $219.00; Nelson Engineering, $13,473.75; Northwest Scientific, Inc., $684.33; Office Outlet, $39.41;

One-Call of Wyoming, $2.25; Overdorff, Brandon & Jacqueline, $1,000.00; Performance Overhead Door Inc, $6,045.40; Phenova, Inc., $1,026.55; Pinedale Auto Supply, $1,083.58; Pinedale Computer, $90.00; Pinedale Natural Gas, Inc., $6,964.47; Pinedale Roundup, $721.57; Rebel Auto Parts, $52.92; Ridley's Family Market, $90.98; Rio Verde Engineering, Inc., $6,033.30; River Oaks Communications Corp, $1,882.00; RMT Equipment, $881.27; Rocky Mountain Power, $8,069.17; Rocky Mountain Wash, $59.50; Sani-Star, $150.00; Shadow Mountain Water Of Wy Inc, $15.00; State Fire Sales & Service, $270.00; Sturman, Amy, $206.50; Sublette Communications, $10.00; Sublette County Hospital District, $150.00; Sweetwater Technology Services, $13,356.76; Tegeler & Associates, Inc., $3,549.22; Town Of Pinedale Water/Sewer, $777.87; Turf Equipment & Irrigation, $115.14; U.S. Postal Service, $302.00; Union Telephone Company, Inc., $238.41; USA Bluebook, $285.26; Visa, $3,087.41; Wind River Fab, $712.50; Wood Law Office, $6,093.75; Wyoming Machinery Company, $612.83; Xylem Water Solutions USA Inc, $2,027.00; Yost, $1,488.00.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the bills for March 11, 2024, in the amount of $211,292.70 paid with checks 30280 – 30338. Seconded by Councilman Swafford. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to enter Executive Session to discuss Real Estate at 6:14 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to exit Executive Session at 6:48 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to re-enter regular session at 6:49 p.m.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m.


Matt W. Murdock, Mayor

Amy Sturman, Clerk-Treasurer

Notice #9654 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024


27 March 2024

Dear Land Owners:

The Pine Creek Canal No. 1 Enlargement of the Lee Ditch (AKA Lee Ditch), which runs through or is adjacent to your property, is owned by the Pine Creek Ditch Association. Included in this ownership is a prescriptive easement on your property immediately adjacent to the ditch for the purposes of cleaning and maintaining the ditch.  Some landowners do not understand that ditch rights extend beyond the banks of the ditch itself and construct improvements that encroach upon the easement area.  This easement area extends for approximately fifty feet on each side of the bank of the ditch but may extend further where the ditch is above or on a slope.  Excavation above or below the ditch which will endanger its integrity is not permissible even though such work may be more than fifty feet from the bank.

The Association does not permit encroachments onto its easement.  If a landowner erects an improvement within the easement area that interferes with ditch access and cleaning, the Association must take legal action to force removal of that improvement.  The Association prefers to be good neighbors and notify landowners to plan their developments such that there is no encroachment on the Lee Ditch easement.

If you have questions regarding these water rights or easement issues, please refer to the State of Wyoming Engineer’s Office website at:   http://soswy.state.wy.us.

As a reminder, removal of water by individuals without legal water rights from the ditch by various means (pumps, siphons, ditches and various pipes) is illegal.  The Pine Creek Ditch Association asks you to voluntarily remove any such equipment from the ditch as soon as possible.  The ditch rider will remove such conveyances if encountered. 

SHELTER PARK RESIDENTS PLEASE NOTE:  Pine Creek No. 1 Enlargement of the Lee Ditch is a separate entity from the Orcutt Ditch.  Please check your water right documents to ascertain if you have legal authorization to remove water from the Lee Ditch that runs through or is adjacent to your land in Shelter Park.  We invite you to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Pine Creek Ditch Association

Secretary ~ Leslie Hagenstein

Post Office Box 2023        

Pinedale, WY  82941-2023


Notice #9656 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024


Per §400-35 of the Pinedale Municipal Code, notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 5 p.m. in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall, 205 Entertainment Lane, Pinedale, WY 82941.

The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the following:

• Final plat for a subdivision application submitted by Rio Verde Engineering on behalf of Hat Creek Land Co, LLC., Crosswinds Lot Division First Amendment.

Please go to www.townofpinedale.us/announcements for more information.

Notice #9657 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 28, April 4, 2024


Per §400-35 of the Pinedale Municipal Code, notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 5 p.m. in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall, 205 Entertainment Lane, Pinedale, WY 82941.

The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss the following:

• Final plat for a subdivision application submitted by Rio Verde Engineering on behalf of Jason Moyes, Pronghorn Crossing, Bloomfield Addition Block 6, to the Town of Pinedale.

Please go to www.townofpinedale.us/announcements for more information.

Notice #9658 published in the Pinedale Roundup on March 28, April 4, 2024


The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) has received a request from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for State certification of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit #27, for the discharge of dredged or fill material to the Green River near Pinedale, Wyoming. The purpose of the project is to stabilize excessive eroding banks and improve aquatic habitat to stable reference conditions along a 700-foot segment of the Green River. This segment of the Green River is designated a Class 1 water where point source discharges are prohibited except for storm water and construction related discharges. This certification will require meeting the provisions in Chapter 1, Section 7(b) of the WDEQ Water Quality Rules and Regulations, which allows these discharges under certain circumstances. Proposed activities include the construction of a bankfull bench and installation of one boulder rock vane to maintain grade and reduce stream energy along eroding banks. To do this, approximately 880 cubic yards (CY) of alluvial material will be excavated followed by placement of 800 CY of redistributed alluvial material and imported boulder. The project is expected to create an additional 0.12 acre of wetland.

Requests for information about the proposed water quality certification should be directed to Eric Hargett by email (eric.hargett@wyo.gov) or phone (307-777-6701). Written comments must be addressed to Eric Hargett, Wyoming DEQ/WQD, 200 W. 17th Street – 4TH floor, Cheyenne, WY, 82002, and be postmarked on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2024, to be considered. Electronic comments may only be submitted through and accepted by the Wyoming DEQ comment portal provided at http://wq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com/. Phone comments will not be accepted.

Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov. Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities. Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9660 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 2024



In the Matter of the Estate of )


Deceased. )

Probate No. 2024-CV-0009023


TO ALL PERSON INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: You are hereby notified that on the 22 day of March, 2024, the estate of the above named decedent was admitted to probate by the above named court, and that Ronnie Brian Knotts was appointed as Personal Administrator thereof. Any action to set aside the probate shall be brought within three (3) months from the date of the first publication of the notice or thereafter be barred

Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the decedent or to decedent's estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned at: c/o Douglas J. Mason, P.O. Box 785, 26 S. Lincoln Ave., Pinedale, WY 82941.

Creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to file them in duplicate with the necessary vouchers, in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on or before three months after the date of the first publication of this notice, and if such claims are not so filed, unless otherwise allowed or paid, they will be forever barred.

DATED this 22 day of March, 2024.

Personal Representative

Notice #9661 published in the Pinedale Roundup on April 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024